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Disaster Tested … Disaster Proven

Med Sled® Products are DISASTER TESTED and DISASTER PROVEN. When the worse case scenario Med Sled® Evacuation Equipment ensures you are evacuation ready. Joplin Missouri in May of 2011 – Med sled® Evacuation Equipment was there to support the full evacuation of the hospital. When Superstorm Sandy hit the US East coast in 2012 – Med Sled® Evacuation Equipment was there supporting the full evacuation of New York University – Langone and Bellevue Hospitals in New York City.  View their stories and many more below.

National News Reports on Super Storm Sandy and NYU -Langone Evacuation

Father Describes Med Sled® Evacuation of Wife in labor
CNN questions “Why Generators failed …” shows Med Sleds® being used in evacuation.

ABC News Interviews CEO of NYU – Langone and ICU liver transplant patient evacuated safely down 14 floors on a Med Sled

Fox 2 News – Reports on Mercy Hospitals

Modern Healthcare Magazine cover, May 28, 2011, detailing emergency preparedness during Joplin tornado

Mercy Hospital -St. Louis, MO runs training drill following the Joplin, Missouri EF5 Tornado that destroyed their sister hospital

Barnes Jewish Hospital – St. Louis MO Runs Evacuation Drill l

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